mainframe.endpoints.package =========================== .. py:module:: mainframe.endpoints.package Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: mainframe.endpoints.package.router mainframe.endpoints.package.logger Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: mainframe.endpoints.package.submit_results mainframe.endpoints.package.lookup_package_info mainframe.endpoints.package._deduplicate_packages mainframe.endpoints.package._get_packages_metadata mainframe.endpoints.package.batch_queue_package mainframe.endpoints.package.queue_package Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: router .. py:data:: logger :type: structlog.stdlib.BoundLogger .. py:function:: submit_results(result: mainframe.models.schemas.PackageScanResult | mainframe.models.schemas.PackageScanResultFail, session: Annotated[sqlalchemy.orm.Session, Depends(get_db)], auth: Annotated[mainframe.json_web_token.AuthenticationData, Depends(validate_token)]) .. py:function:: lookup_package_info(session: Annotated[sqlalchemy.orm.Session, Depends(get_db)], since: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, page: Optional[int] = None, size: Optional[int] = None) -> fastapi_pagination.Page[mainframe.models.schemas.Package] |[mainframe.models.schemas.Package] Lookup information on scanned packages based on name, version, or time scanned. If multiple packages are returned, they are ordered with the most recently queued package first. :param since: A int representing a Unix timestamp representing when to begin the search from. :param name: The name of the package. :param version: The version of the package. :param session: DB session. Only certain combinations of parameters are allowed. A query is valid if any of the following combinations are used: - `name` and `version`: Return the package with name `name` and version `version`, if it exists. - `name` and `since`: Find all packages with name `name` since `since`. - `since`: Find all packages since `since`. - `name`: Find all packages with name `name`. All other combinations are disallowed. In more formal terms, a query is valid iff `((name and not since) or (not version and since))` where a given variable name means that query parameter was passed. Equivalently, a request is invalid iff `(not (name or since) or (version and since))` .. py:function:: _deduplicate_packages(packages: list[mainframe.models.schemas.PackageSpecifier], session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session) -> set[tuple[str, str]] .. py:function:: _get_packages_metadata(pypi_client: letsbuilda.pypi.PyPIServices, packages_to_check: set[tuple[str, str]]) ->[letsbuilda.pypi.Package] .. py:function:: batch_queue_package(packages: list[mainframe.models.schemas.PackageSpecifier], session: Annotated[sqlalchemy.orm.Session, Depends(get_db)], auth: Annotated[mainframe.json_web_token.AuthenticationData, Depends(validate_token)], pypi_client: Annotated[letsbuilda.pypi.PyPIServices, Depends(get_pypi_client)]) .. py:function:: queue_package(package: mainframe.models.schemas.PackageSpecifier, session: Annotated[sqlalchemy.orm.Session, Depends(get_db)], auth: Annotated[mainframe.json_web_token.AuthenticationData, Depends(validate_token)], pypi_client: Annotated[letsbuilda.pypi.PyPIServices, Depends(get_pypi_client)]) -> mainframe.models.schemas.QueuePackageResponse Queue a package to be scanned when the next runner is available :param Body: Request body paramters :param session: Database session :param pypi_client: client instance used to interact with PyPI JSON API :returns: The given package and version combination was not found on PyPI 409: The given package and version combination has already been queued :rtype: 404